Cover Reveal: TEETH IN THE MIST by Dawn Kurtagich
by Dawn Kurtagich, author of Teeth in the Mist, And the Trees Crept In, and The Dead House
“Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get.” The same can be said for publishing with book covers. Authors aren’t generally involved in the creation or design of their covers and for good reason: we’re writers, not designers! I’ve been incredibly lucky to have such an enthusiastic publisher, one who understands the strange and wacky things I do with my art. I’ve been given a lot of freedom to express ideas and give input into the visuals.
When my editor asked me if I had any specific ideas for the cover of my third full length novel, Teeth in the Mist, one line from the book wouldn’t unstick itself from my mind: “The Devil is upside down of God.” This idea is so integral to the heart of the story that I had an immediate concept of what that might look like. I ended up putting together a black and white concept image. It depicted a black mountain on a white background, and beneath it, upside down, a white house on a black background.
The team loved the upside down element and sent me a cover composition a few months later that was so ridiculously perfect I fell instantly in love! Because of licensing issues, that specific composition couldn’t be used, so my editor (being the amazing wonder-woman she is!) said that a photo-shoot would be done to recreate the cover. Not only that, but I would be sent a portfolio of the models they were considering and get to pick who I liked best (what?! I. KNOW. Amazing). I ended up choosing the girl on the cover as well as her outfit!
The end result is this amazing, gorgeous cover, which I will happily put up on my wall as a poster as soon as I can. The cover reflects the strange, eeriness of the world between the pages and I’m thrilled to have such a uniquely talented team behind this book. Thank you, Little, Brown Books for Young Readers, and thank you, NOVL! Teeth in the Mist hits shelves June 2019.
A genre-bending epic horror-fantasy, inspired by the legend of Faust, spans generations as an ancient evil is uncovered—perfect for fans of Kendare Blake and Ransom Riggs.
Seventeen-year-old Zoey has been fascinated by the haunted, burnt-out ruins of Medwyn Mill House for as long as she can remember—so she and her best friend Poulton decide to explore the ruins. But are they really alone in the house?
In 1851, sixteen-year-old Roan arrives at the Mill House as a ward—one of three, all with their own secrets. When Roan learns that she is connected to an ancient secret, she must escape the house before she is trapped forever.
This haunting horror and captivating mystery redefines the horror and fantasy space.