The December 2020 NOVLbox: Curated by Jessica Townsend

It’s the holiday season, and do we have gifts for you! This month, our NOVLbox is curated by Jessica Townsend, author of the Nevermoor series! Nevermoor and Morrigan Crow’s adventures are the perfect read for the winter and the holidays, full of magic and adventure. And the best part is it’s coming to you with a whole bevy of other books and goodies perfect for the gifting season! So here it is, up for grabs, our gift to you! Okay, okay, now I know you’re all wondering…

What’s in the box?!?

·       Nevermoor: The Trials of Morrigan Crow by Jessica Townsend (paperback)

·       Amelia Westlake was Never Here by Erin Gough (paperback)

·       B*Witch by Paige McKenzie and Nancy Ohlin (hardcover)

·       Atomic Women by Roseanne Montillo (hardcover)

·       Rosemary Mint Gay Pride Soap

·       “Science: It’s like magic but real” Cat Sticker

·       “Village Witch” Pin

·       Two Nevermoor Enamel Pins

·       A NOVL Facemask

Enter to win!