Reading the Stars: November 2020 Horoscopes

Ten months down, TWO. TO. GO!! We can do it, everyone! We can survive 2020 with the help of the stars, chocolate, and all of the food to stuff our faces with that Thanksgiving will bring. Yes, family may come with masks (bright side, no sloppy, lipstick kiss from your great aunt) and ask about your relationship status, and request a two hour lesson on how to use zoom. Though with the good books we are recommending, you can politely decline and tell them you have work to do (i.e. read what you want and say it’s not optional. Soooo, without further ado, here’s what the stars are telling you to read…



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How the King of Elfhame Learned to Hate Stories

by Holly Black

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Scorps! We gift to you the book of season as it is HERE. The finale to The Folk of the Air trilogy wraps up with this gorgeously, mesmerizing tale. It’s your birthday time, so you want all the goods this month. You’re not doing anything you don’t want to, and you shouldn’t. Party, live your best life, eat the last of the stuffing even if your mom tells you to share it with everyone. We got your back, don’t worry, we won’t tell. Wink wink!!



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Most Likely

by Sarah Watson

What’s up my Sagittarius peeps! Like your sign of the mighty centaur with their bow and arrow; you’re all about strength this month! So what if the sun sets in the middle of the day, you’re just tired of being tired. So be your best self, run that extra mile to work off those pies you’re going to stuff down in a week, bake that cake with extra sugar, tell your distant cousin you’re frenemies with that being from New Jersey doesn’t make them that much more interesting. Heck, even make plans to be president like these characters in this novel. Go for it, Sag. We’re rooting for ya!



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Kingdom of the Wicked

by Kerri Maniscalco

For the last few weeks, you have been going under the radar, Capricorn. Yeah, we know, it’s not like there is much to do nowadays. However, after the long news nights and work load you’ve been doing; it’s time to rise up like Emilia in this book. Now granted, you’re not trying to seek revenge of the person who murdered your twin sister (hopefully) but you can learn a thing or two from her on how to spice up the daily routine.



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The Darkest Part of the Forest

by Holly Black

You’ve made some big sacrifices lately, Aquarius. Compromise has been your middle name. Well, to continue with the Holly Black buzz, read this mysterious novel. You won’t be able to put it down or see what’s coming next. So, no more compromises for you. You’ll read this before helping anyone cook anything. Go into the bubble, you deserve some you time!



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If I Stay

by Gayle Forman

Tissues please! Seriously this book is rough to read, and wet and cloudy eyes aren’t a great mix when trying to make out letters. Why am I giving you this book, you ask? Well Pieces, this month you want all the tender moments to remember. Reminiscing is your language at the moment. In this book, Mia watches all of the flashes of her life in shorts as she tries to figure out what she wants her ending to be or if she even wants an ending. Oh, and there’s a serious heart-wrenching romance in this. I warned you, You’ll kind of love and hate me for this rec. You’re welcome and sorry!



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The Enigma Game

by Elizabeth Wein

My fierce Aries; as always, you’re on a roll this month. Confidence and intellect are at your core. If we went back in time, you’d for sure be like Louisa Adair and want to fight back against the Axis’ of WWII. Maybe Louisa’s an Aries too. Don’t let anyone ever stop that fire. Create (a recipe), conquer (the brussels sprouts), and keep going with your fabulousness.



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Love & Olives

by Jenna Evans Welch

Yeah, we know Taurus. You have the travel bug, BAD! Though honestly, who doesn’t at this point? I’m sorry to tell you that even though you thought Santorini was in your future, it’s kind of not. Unless you like, live there, then kudos to you. However, you can read about Liv going to Greece, lucky her. Though, she has quite a few hurdles to jump when she lands.



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A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder

by Holly Jackson

What’s happenin’ my gems?! The TEA, you want some new gossip, some new juicy content and scanning social media and stocking your cousins’ profiles, trying to find something to talk about before they come for the holiday just isn’t hitting it. I feel your pain, trust me.

I can’t think of a juicier, more intriguing novel other than this one. Like us Geminis, Pip wants to know stuff, stuff that she probably shouldn’t be getting into but hey, what would life be without mystery, right?





by Akemi Dawn Bowman

Another yet sad, but beautiful tale on the list. However, come on Cancer, I know you love it. I wouldn’t call this an immediate tearjerker, just something to really appreciate what and who you have. You might have a big family or a small one but if they love you, nothing is better. I’d read this with a good slice of pie and dollop on some whipped cream, yeah, that sounds right for this.



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Gossip Girl

by Cecily Von Ziegesar

My Leo loves, it’s the classics you crave right now. You want to keep the traditions alive. So what if it’s COVID, it has another thing coming if it thinks it can stop you on buying the biggest turkey like always and making sure everyone is at the table by 6pm sharp. Everyone will sit six feet apart and not touch, but it WILL happen. I understand, Leo. COVID can have a lot of things but NOT deprive you of the chance to eat the mac and cheese you only get once a year (or whatever your favorite holiday meal is). If anyone can still make it happen, it’s our Leo friends. In your spare time, also read the classics; Xoxo, Gossip Girl.



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Loretta Little Looks Back: Three Voices Go Tell It

by Andrea Davis Pinkney and Brian Pinkney

You want to learn something this month, Virgo. After all that has gone on with the elections and crazy events in 2020 (really, just pick one). This book won’t only teach you something but will maybe encourage you to look into your own past and see what you can find as a learning experience.



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Witches of Ash & Ruin

by E. Latimer

My Libras, you’re feeling a surge of magical energy at the moment. Maybe you got all your Christmas shopping done early (over achiever), or maybe you are just really ready to hit the ground running with cooking for your family (or more like excited to eat with your family). Whatever it is, you just feel a jolt of fresh energy. Honestly, any kind of energy anyone gets in these times must be magical. This book is definitely something to read and it will be sure to keep that urge going for just the touch of magic you need left to finish this year with a bang.