Cover Reveal: Passport by Sophia Glock
When I tell you this book is absolutely nuts, I mean it in the best way. It’s a wild ride, and I loved every second of it! We enter into the world of Sophia, who moves a lot because of her parent’s work. Smash cut to Sophia discovering that her parents work for the CIA. Smash cut to me discovering that this is, I kid you not, a TRUE STORY. That’s right. “Sophia” is none other than the author, Sophia Glock, and this is her graphic memoir.
We needed the literal CIA’s permission to publish this book.
Anyway… the secret’s out, I guess! I’ll stop blathering and finally let you gaze upon this glorious cover!
by Sophia Glock
Young Sophia has lived in so many different countries, she can barely keep count. Stationed now with her family in Central America because of her parents' work, Sophia feels displaced as an American living abroad, when she has hardly spent any of her life in America.
Everything changes when she reads a letter she was never meant to see and uncovers her parents' secret. They are not who they say they are. They are working for the CIA. As Sophia tries to make sense of this news, and the web of lies surrounding her, she begins to question everything. The impact that this has on Sophia's emerging sense of self and understanding of the world makes for a page-turning exploration of lies and double lives.
About the Author
Sophia Glock is a cartoonist who lives and draws in Austin, Texas. She attended the College of William & Mary and the School of Visual Arts. Her work has been featured in the New Yorker, Buzzfeed, and Time Out New York. She talks to her sister every day.