Posts tagged jennifer latham
Historical Fiction to Read Based on Your Zodiac Sign

Get a historical fiction book recommendation based on your zodiac sign. Why? Because sometimes I’m indecisive and I need fate—or the stars—to pick something for me. Plus, I’m a Leo and anytime I get to proudly shout that from the rooftops, well, I’LL TAKE IT.

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Historical fiction for every kind of reader

For a long time, I avoided historical fiction like, well, like the plague. I couldn’t seem to get interested in books set in the past, thinking them dated and boring. But then someone pointed out to me that everything that’s happening now has happened before, and that the only way we can move forward is by looking back.

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Historical fiction to feed the part of your soul that just wants to dress up in a fancy gown and stare out a window forlornly

Look, sometimes you just have to pretend to be in another place and time, and I get you. So here is some historical fiction for the part of your soul that wants to dress up and wander green hills on horseback.

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7 Audiobooks That Will Fill Your Ears with Heavenly Sounds

I don’t know about you, but I am an audiobook fiend. I love audiobooks! I listen to them while I do chores or on my commute. Honestly, I kind of wish I had gotten into them earlier. My morning drive to and from school could have been so much more productive! Whether you like to listen to audiobooks regularly or are looking to get into them, here are some of the best audiobooks to fill your ears with amazing sounds.

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