Introduce Yourself
Hola, I’m Nikki. I’m an Associate Editor. I read manuscripts and look for ones that would be a good fit for Little, Brown Books for Young Readers, and then convince my company to buy them! But the best part is working with authors to make it the greatest book it can be.
Favorite Book of All Time
There’s a super sexy romance novel that was published back in the 1980s that practically every woman in my family has read. It’s tradition! I won’t tell you the name because I’m afraid you’ll look it up, and then I won’t be cool in your eyes anymore. ;)
Favorite LBYR Book
Daughter of Smoke of Bone by Laini Taylor. It had me like oooooo, and whaaaaatttt, and then YESSSSSSS!
Book You've Been Meaning to Read for a While
Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas. I’ve been afraid to read it, because I know once I start, there will be no stopping. Like Pringles! And then I’ll be in this bubble, and I won’t get any work done. That is the power Sarah J. Maas has over me.
Favorite Book Cover
Oooo that’s a tough question. There are so many amazing covers out there, but the ones that stick out in my mind right now are the covers for Jenny Han’s To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before series. They are just so damn pretty!
Unexpected Book that You Love
Love Letters to the Dead by Ava Dellaira. Ok, so I have a love hate relationship with this book. It’s so good that it hit me like a ton of brick. Seriously, I was in a bad mood for a couple weeks. It had such a profound effect on me in a way that only great books can.
A Literary Obsession
Ummmm I like to smell books. Is that weird? I was once told to never say that in a job interview, so I guess it is. Oh well! I’m a book sniffer.