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Introduce Yourself

Hi, I’m Shanese, the editorial intern. I was a Journalism major in college but quickly realized I didn’t like reporting unless I could write about books or K-pop. I always loved books and at one point I wanted to write but I later realized I would much rather be on the publishing side. I always thought I was a Slytherin but surprise I am Ravenclaw. My favorite things to do are read a book while listening to music and do nothing with my siblings.

Favorite Book of All Time

It might sound weird but I don’t have a favorite book but one I reread multiple times a year is The Sea of Tranquility by Katja Millay. It’s a YA romance at its core but really it is so much more than that. I laughed and cried with book. Its not my favorite but it is a favorite.

Favorite LBYR Book

I feel like the most popular answer is The Cruel Prince and The Wicked King which I enjoyed but off the top of my head I have to go with Frostblood by Elly Blake.

Book You’ve Been Meaning to Read for a While

Honestly there are so many I’m behind on so much reading, it’s really sad. I am going to pick Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo or any of her books really.

A Signed Book on Your Shelf

To Kill A Kingdom by Alexandra Christo. I really wanted this book, but a friend told me not to by it. She ended getting it for me and having it signed.

Unexpected Book that You Love

He Belongs to Me by Theresa Rizzo. I was asked to review this book, it wasn’t one I would pick up on my own but I’m glad I said yes. It was so much than I thought. Things came out of nowhere.

Book(s) that You THink Everyone Should Read

The first book I thought of was Someone Else’s Fairytale by E.M. Tippetts. Man, I loved this book. You think it the average romance about a girl and movie star, but it takes turns. There were things I was not expecting or ready for. The author is self-published, so not many people have heard of her but I really think they should.


AllisonAlvinaAndieAndreaAngelieBeckyBillChristieDeirdreEmilieHannah C.Hannah Z.HallieJessLizMaraMary-KateNikkiNishaRuqayyahSamSavannahShaneseSienaStefSydney